Comprehensive Statewide Signing Program


Guide sign installation on Route I-95

Statewide – Rhode Island

Client: Rhode Island Department of Transportation

The Comprehensive Statewide Signing Program included the inventory and evaluation of all existing signage (regulatory, warning, destination and guide signs) on State maintained roadways. Each sign was categorized and assigned a reference number. Geographic coordinates for each sign location were determined, and a graphic representation of each sign was prepared. Crossman Engineering coordinated a team of four subconsultants to produce a database and plans of existing signs throughout the entire state.

Crossman Engineering also prepared two construction contracts under the Comprehensive Statewide Signing Program that replaced freeway guide signs along Route I-95 within the following limits:

Contract No. 2000-CT-031: Comprehensive
Signing Statewide – Route I-95 Exit 24 to Exit 30

Contract No. 2001-CT-051: Comprehensive
Signing Statewide – Route I-95 Exit 9 to Exit 15

These contracts included the installation of new ground-mounted, overhead span-mounted, cantilever-mounted, and bridge-mounted freeway guide signs. Crossman Engineering conducted field reviews, coordinated subsurface investigations, identified appropriate sign locations, and designed sign panel legends in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The final design culminated in the preparation of construction contract bid documents including plans, specifications, and cost estimates.